Knock Control

Knock or detonation is one of the biggest killers of a performance engine. Emtron ECUs have the ability to monitor individual cylinder knock and make cylinder specific ignition adjustments to ensure your engine remains safe, while not unnecessarily affecting performance by providing a global ignition trim.
Pictured is a log taken from a mildly tuned EVO IX engine. The top group is indicating engine speed, ignition angle and the knock short and long term status's. The second group is displaying the knock level as processed by the ECU for each cylinder after coming from the knock sensor, also indicating the knock level thresholds.. 3rd group is how much short term timing retard each cylinder has applied.  The 4th group is how much long term timing retard each cylinder has.  This is generated as a scale of the short term retard value and is used to more gradually reintroduce the ignition timing back over a longer period of time than the short term retard. 
We are primarily interested in the knk Level Cyl 1 and Knk Level Cyl 2 channels as shown in this example as they each indicate a knock event due to the level being over knock threshold.  The ecu has detected the knock and the short term pulled 4.40 degrees out of cylinder 4 and 6.5 degrees out of cylinder 1 for each of their respective knock events.    The long term has also pulled out a moderate amount of timing advance in this case.  
This information gathered means we can individually trim each cylinder by adding or taking ignition timing or fuel depending on the power gain and knock events, and if the engine does ping, we know the ECU will retard the timing for us anyway if the system is properly configured. .
Knock Example
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